The library was established with the creation of the Technical university in 1949. and, individually, as separate operating unit, run by 1975. Around this time of the creation of to date, her work has been constantly increasing, and the осовременува.
The library performs the procurement of different types of skilled materials (textbooks, books, magazines, standards, in accordance with the requirements of the users, we take a moment and concerned with cataloguing the arms that stuff, stroke it fast also available to the users.
Книжниот of the fund is made up of books, foreign and domestic scientific literature, journals, and standards. The library is equipped with more than 16.000 title that makes it to be one of the best снабдените libraries, keeping in mind that it is the work of the library of the closed type. This number does not include the graduate, and doctoral work одбранети faculty of Civil engineering, as well as information on the number symposia, and seminars.
Users of the library with all of the students from the regular courses, as well as the магистранти and phd students and staff of the university. Their number is about 1,000 members. The membership of the students in the library to be carried out in person, and required only information verified for the current school year. The books can be saved for up to 2 semesters, and for a lost book and paid a fine in an amount equal to the вредността of the lost ebook.
1.Data are extracted from the Main book, 1966-1974 year, the Architectural faculty of civil engineering
1. | Dynamics of structures | A Симонче | 1962 | 713 p. |
2. | Organization and mechanization of the building | C. Тошаров | 1964 | 436 p. |
3. | Faculty of architects. | Dime Lazarov | 1965 | 123 p. |
4. | Technical mechanics I | Jordan Миладинов | 1965 | 465 p. |
5. | Strength of materials-I | Jordan Миладинов | 1966 | 425 p. |
6. | Strength of the материјлите II | Jordan Миладинов | 1966 | 712 p. |
7. | Technical mechanics, fluid | Тиберие Киријас | 1967 | 304 p. |
8. | Technical mechanics I | Jordan Миладинов | 1968 | 539 p. |
9. | Technical mechanics II | Jordan Миладинов | 1968 | 1006 p. |
10. | Strength of materials | Тиберие Киријас | 1969 | 353 p. |
11. | Hydraulics, 1 piece | Ангеле Angelovski | 1971 | 283 p. |
12. | Railways | Игњат Krstevski | 1971 | 511 pp. |
13. | Faculty of civil engineers | Dime Lazarov | 1971 | 645 p. |
14. | The wooden plans | Тиберие Киријас | 1971 | 330 p. |
15. | Drvene konstrukcije | Тиберие Киријас | 1971 | 330 p. |
16. | Metalna stolarija | Lj. Tomic | 1971 | 58 p. |
17. | Technical mechanics, fluid | Тиберие Киријас | 1972 | 366 pp. |
18. | The method of finite elements | A. Поцески) And (C). Симонче | 1972 | 160 p. |
19. | The massive bridge | E e-mail. Симов | 1973 | 166 p. |
2.Data are extracted from the main book, 1975 – to date, the faculty of civil engineering
1. | A short course in инжинерско look | National Битраков | 1975 | 336 p. | |
2. | Lecture by a concrete bridge | E e-mail. Симов | 1976 | 113 p. | |
3. | Solved assignments at the technical mechanics | Mark Гугуловски, Svetlana Petkovska Ончевска | 1977 | 136 p. | |
4. | The lecture upon the strength of the material with solved examples | Mark Гугуловски, Svetlana Petkovska Ончевска | 1977 | 468 p. | |
5. | Mixed method of finite elements | The Apostle Поцески | 1976 | 41 p. | |
6. | A collection of tasks by hydraulics | Angelovski-Todorovski | 1976 | 529 p. | |
7. | Disclaimer of мостовските plans | I Миладинов | 1973 | 93 p. | |
8. | Faculty-I, the I paper | Dime Lazarov | 1980 | 512 p. | |
9. | Faculty II, AND a book | Dime Lazarov | 1980 | 513-887 page. | |
10. | User manual for the implementation of the exercise by the technology of the concrete for the students of the department of civil engineering department) | Миладинов – Бабамов – Ivanov | 1971 | 127 p. | |
11. | Hydrology | Angelovski-Todorov | 1980 | 332 | |
12. | The tasks of the practice of mathematics And for students of technical schools | Битраков-Шапкарев | 1978 | 439 p. | |
13. | A collection of tasks by hydraulics | Angelovski-Todorovski | 1976 | 529 p. | |
14. | The upper строј on the railroad | Душко Златковски | 1981 | 703 p. | 625.14(075.8) |
15. | Building constructions | Metodija Venice | 1978 | 325 p. | |
16. | A collection of completed tasks by the technical mechanics | Гугуловски, Ончевска, Сибиновиќ, Битраков | 1981 | 757 p. | |
17. | The massive structures | Крум Хололчев | 1981 | 303 pp. | |
18. | A collection of completed tasks in the technical mechanics, fluid | Colleague, Симовски, Аврамов | 1979 | 361 p. | |
19. | Completed tasks upon the strength of the material, with the derivations of the theory | Гугуловски, Сибиновиќ, Ончевска | 1982 | 501 p. | |
20. | Theory of structures II matrix analysis of structures | A Симонче | 1984 | 250 p. | 624 . 04 : 681 . 3 (075 . 8 ) |
21. | Roads | Paul Стојменов | 1983 | 530 p. | |
22. | The technology of concrete And proportion | Peter Бабамов | 1987 | ||
The theory of the surface carriers | Алексндар Angelov | 1987 | 694 | 624.072/.074].04(075.8) | |
24. | The basics of хидрауликата | Angel Angelovski | 1987 | 603 p. | |
25. | Technical mechanics I | Jordan Миладоннов | 1984 | 746 p. | Nema ISBN |
26. | Technical mechanics II a book, was the first | Jordan Миладинов | 1985 | 540 p. | Nema ISBN |
27. | Theory of structures | The Apostle Поцески | 1987 | 506 | ISBN 9989-43-050-0 |
28. | Technical mechanics II, book ii | Jordan Миладинов | 1980 | 1005 | Nema ISBN |
29. | Technical mechanics II book iii | Jordan Миладонов | 1981 | 1665, p. | Nema ISBN |
30. | Тензорно mathematics teaching (graduate level) | Up Целакоски | 1985 | 200 | |
31. | An analysis of the насипните defend it (the script) | Lubomir Танчев | 1989 | 160 | Nema ISBN |
32. | Hydraulics | Анѓел Анѓеловски | 1990 | 748 | 532(075.8) |
33. | Темелење book I | Boris Шендов | 1989 | 363 | 624.15(075.8) |
34. | Темелење book II | Boris Шендов | 1989 | 209 | 624.15(075.8) |
35. | Craft, roads, and ports | Zivko Шкоклевски | 1990 | 170 | Nema CIP |
36. | Lectures in mathematics And | Colleague, Georgievska | 1985 | 495 | Nema CIP |
37. | Mathematics-II | Colleague, Georgievska | 1988 | 464 | 512.64(075.8) |
38. | Faculty-I, paper-I | Boris Пауновски | 1990 | 365 | 528(075.8) |
39. | Faculty-I, paper II | Boris Пауновски | 1990 | 816 | ISBN 9989-43-079-9 |
40. | Arrangement of a body of water | Zivko Шкоклевски | 1986 | 323 | |
41. | Хидротехнички items | Lubomir Танчев | 1992 | 580 | |
42. | Lectures in mathematics And, second edition | Colleague, Georgievska | 1993 | 495 | 517.2/.3(075.8) |
43. | Mathematics: Analytic geometry in space, сферна trigonometry | Georgievska, Colleague | 1995 | 266 | 514.116.3(075.8) |
44. | A collection of tasks by the mechanics of the флуидите with a brief theoretical overview | Jordan Миладинов | 1984 | 432 | |
45. | A collection of completed tasks per faculty | D. Насов | 1974 | 152 | |
46. | Defending and supporting хидротехнички items | Lubomir Танчев | 1999 | 767 | ISBN 9989-878-56-0 |
Numerical methods | The Apostle Поцески | 1999 | 248 | ISBN 9989-44-051-4 | |
47. | Utm projection and utm grids | The republic. Рибаровски, Jovanov | 1999 | 61 | ISBN 9989-52-002-X |
48. | Армиранобетонски plans | Санде Atanasovski | 1992 | 480 | |
Numerical hydraulics | Front Of The City Park Симоновска Parties | 1994 | 160 | ISBN 9989-36-005-7 | |
49. | Discussion in the high faculty | Risto Рибаровски | 1994 | 250 | ISBN 9989-43-011-X |
50. | Building constructions | Andrew Spasov | 1994 | 553 | NEMA CIP |
51. | Intense rainfall in the Republic. Macedonia | Zivko Шкоклевски | 1993 | 101 | Nema CIP |
52. | Cross-border loads at a line of structures | Was Lazarov | 2000 | 278 | ISBN 9989-908-40-0 |
53. | Mathematics-II, second edition | Colleague, Georgievska | 1998 | 513 | ISBN 9989-43-184-1 |
54. | The upper строј on the railroad | Душко Златковски | 1988 | 590 | 625.14(075.8) |
55. | The theory of errors, with leveling up | Risto Рибаровски | 1997 | 193 | ISBN 9989-43-091-8 |
56. | Faculty II,volume I | Boris Пауновски | 1992 | 421 | |
57. | Faculty II, volume II | Boris Пауновски | 1992 | 754 | |
58. | Geodetic calculations | Risto Рибаровски | 1999 | 213 | |
59. | The basics of steel structures | Minimum Филиповски | 2000 | 525 | |
60. | Hydraulics | Front Of The City Park Parties | 2000 | 258 | ISBN 9989-43-100-0 |
61. | Finite element method based on the differential equations | Apostol Poceski | 1996 | 198 | ISBN 3-540-54916-1 |
62. | Workbook for garden | Ордан Чукалиев | 2002 | 166 | ISBN 9989-845-09-3 |
63. | Lessons in building materials | Svetlana Petkovska Ончевска | 2002 | 323 | Nema ISBN |
64. | In mechanics, a short course | Svetlana Petkovska Ончевска | 1999 | 362 | |
65. | The lecture upon the strength of the material | Svetlana P. Ончевска | 2003 | 426 | Nema CIP |
66. | Computer science | Elena Dumova Jovanoska, Grozde Aleksovski, Sergey E. | 2002 | 121 | ISBN 9989-9540-1-1 |
67. | The mechanics of the Флуиди | Front Of The City Park Parties | 2003 | 303 | ISBN 9989-43-066-7 |
68. | Theory of elasticity | Jordan Миладинов | 1984 | 432 | |
69. | The theory of the пластичноста | Jordan Миладинов | 1984 | 328 | |
70. | User manual for the implementation of the exercise by the technology of concrete | Миладинов, Бабамов, Ivanov, | 1983 | 325 | |
71. | The wooden plans | Тиберие Киријас | 1978 | 424 | |
72. | Theory of structures | Elena Dumova Jovanoska | 2004 | 328 | ISBN 9989-9540-8-9 |
73. | Hydrology | Front Of The City Park Parties | 2004 | 327 | ISBN 9989-9540-4-6 |
74. | Engineering faculty | Стојанчо Вучков | 2004 | 297 | ISBN 9989-9540-9-7 |
75. | Road planning road, book 1 | Радојка Дончева | 2004 | 454 | |
76. | Road planning road users | Радојка Дончева | 2004 | 216 | ISBN 9989-9540-7-0 |
77. | ГЕОинфромациони systems | Vanco Ѓорѓиев | 2004 | 280 | ISBN 9989-9540-5-4 |
78. | And management, and the technologies of geodesy basis of things | Risto Рибаровски | 2005 | 85 | Nema CIP |
79. | An oval faculty | Zlatko Србиноски | 2005 | 220 | ISBN 9989-2469-1-2 |
High faculty | Risto Рибаровски | 2005 | 250 | ISBN 9989-2469-2-0 | |
81. | Regular faculty | Zlatko Србиноски | 2006 | 140 | ISBN 978 9989-2469-9-8 |
82. | Project management in the construction, the investment objects | Valentina Жилеска Панчовска | 2006 | 140 | ISBN 9989-2469-4-7 |
83. | Arrangement of a body of water | Сретко Cvetkovski | 2006 | 224 | ISBN 9989-249-5-5 |
84. | Numerical methods | Political Денковска | 2006 | 206 | ISBN 9989-2469-0-4 |
85. | Concrete structures | Санде Atanasovski | 2007 | 311 | ISBN 978 9989-2469-6-3(8) |
86. | Student faculty | Risto Рибаровски | 2003 | 417 | |
87. | Present the land | Vanco Ѓорѓиев | 2006 | ISBN 9989-2469-3-9 | |
88. | General geology | Up Гапковски, Милорад Wright | 2007 | 344 | ISBN 978-9989-2469-7-5 |
89. | The combined параметаско-корелативни leveling | Risto Рибаровски | 2007 | 98 | ISBN 978 9989-2469-8 |
Information technology, second edition | Elena Dumova Jovanoska, Grozde Aleksovski, Sergey E. | 2007 | 123 | ISBN 9989-9540-1-1 | |
90. | Regular faculty | Zlatko Србиноски | 2008 | 250 | ISBN 978 9989-2469-9-8 |
91. | Water supply and sanitation | Zivko Велјаноски | 2008 | 341 | ISBN 978-9989-2922-0-0 |
92. | Water supply | Zivko Велјаноски | 2008 | 407 | ISBN 978-9989-2922-1-7 |
93. | General cartography | Zlatko Србиноски | 2008 | 244 | ISBN 978-608-4510-09-3 |
94. | Армиранобетонски bridge | Zoran Десовски | 2010 | 297 | ISBN 978-608-4510-05-5 |
95. | Hidrology and Hidraulic structures in Environmental Engineering | Cvetanka Popovska, and Dimitrija Sekovski | 2011 | 168 | ISBN 978-608-4510-07-9 |
96. | Routes, planning, roads, second edition | Радојка Дончева | 2011 | 476 | ISBN 978-608-4510-08-6 |
97. | The aluminium structures in civil engineering | Minimum Филиповски | 2012 | 488 | ISBN 978-9989-766-25-1 |
98. | General cartography | Zlatko Србиноски | 2012 | 299 | ISBN 978-608-4510-09-3 |
BALWOIS | Proceedings of the Symposium | 2012 | ISBN 978-608-4510-10-9 | ||
99. | Previously, напрегнат concrete | Санде Atanasovski | 2009 | 214 | ISBN 978-608-4510-01-7 |
101. | Hydrology, in theory, with solved assignments | Front of the city park Parties, and Violeta Ѓешовска | 2012 | 261 | ISBN 978-608-4510-11-6 |
102. | Mathematical cartography | Zlatko Србиноски | 2013 | 256 | |
103. | Инжинерска geology | Милорад Wright | 2014 | 602 | ISBN 978-608-4510-13-0 |
104. | Strength of materials | Svetlana P. Ончевска and the Koce Тодорорв | 2014 | 478 | ISBN 978-608-4510-15-4 |
105. | Monograph, 65 years of existence, the faculty of civil engineering | Dean's Office | 2014 | 133 | ISBN 978-608-4510-18-5 |
106. | The collection of work-65 years on faculty of civil engineering | деканат | 2014 | 102 | ISBN 978-608-4510-19-2 |
107. | GEOREKS | Symposium, proceedings | 2014 | ISBN 978-608-4510-16-1 | |
SEEFORM | Symposium, proceedings | 2014 | ISBN 978-608-4510-17-8 | ||
108. | Building materials | Тодорка Самарџиоска | 2015 | 191 | ISBN 978-608-4510-21-5 |
109. | Cross-border loads at a line of structures, second edition | Was Lazarov | 2016 | 347 | ISBN 978-608-4510-27-7 |
110. | The mechanics of the флуиди, third edition | Front Of The City Park Parties | 2016 | 320 | ISBN 978-608-4510-29-1 |
111. | The measurement systems in the management of the property | Zlatko Србиноски | 2015 | 243 | ISBN 978-608-4510-25-3 |
112. | In mathematics, a 1 part | Силвана Петрушевска, and He Велинов | 2016 | 189 | ISBN 978-608-4510-22-2 |
113. | The application of modern techniques for the definition of the хазарди, and the risks involved in the геотехниката | Company геотехника to Macedonia and Presented | 2016 | 62 | 978-608-4510-30-7 |
114. | Computer graphics | Силвана Петрушева | 2015 | 243 | 978-608-4510-23-9 |
115. | A collection of tasks by the technology of concrete | Tons Of Аранѓеловски | 2020 | 168 | 978-608-4510-39-0 |
116. | Геотехнички хазарди, and the risks involved, experience, and practice, | Proceedings | 2018 | 1056 | Printed in Vienna |
117. | Guide for the completed tasks for the calculation of the basic and анкернки structures, according to the Еврокод | Josif Josifovski, and Jana Сусинов | 2020 | 183 | 978-608-4510-40-6 |
118. | Engineering model | Sergey E. | 2020 | 286 | 978-608-4510-42-0 |
119. | The mechanics of the rocks | Милорад Wright | 2020 | 572 | 978-608-4510-41-3 |
120. | Хидрометрија | Violeta Ѓешовска | 2021 | 185 | 978-608-4510-44-4 |
121. | An introduction to resilience | Was Lazarov, On The One Whom He Loves | 2022 | 177 | 978-608-4510-45-1 |
122. | Reinforced concrete, according to the Еврокод 2, the theory with solved examples | Even if their Марковски, and more. | 2023 | Volume 1 - 343 Volume 2-317 |
978-608-4510-50-5 978-608-4510-52-9 |
123. | Mathematical cartography | Zlatko Србиноски | 2023 | 502 | 978-608-4510-48-2 |
124. | A collection of tasks by the mechanics of soils | John, " No. Papic | 2023 | 142 | 978-608-4510-52-9 |
125. | The design армиранобетонски buildings, according to the Еврокодови | Even if their Марковски, and more. | 2024 | 237 | 978-608-4510-55-0 |
126. | Intense rainfall in the Republic of North Macedonia |
Violeta Ѓешовска, Goce Тасески, Jana Илиоски |
2024 | 300 | 978-608-4510-56-7 |
127. | Lower строј the сообраќајници | Zlatko Зафировски | 2024 | 408 | 978-608-4510-57-4 |
128. | Digital cartography |
Zlatko Србиноски, Among Касаповски, Zlatko Богдановски |
2024 |
240 |
978-608-4510-59-8 |
129. | Design routes |
Радојка Дончева, Slobodan Огњеновиќ |
2024 | 475 | 978-608-4510-60-4 |
130. | Симулационо model водостопански systems | Стевчо Митовски | 2024 | 132 | 978-608-4510-63-5 |
131. | Planning and construction | Маријана Лазаревска | 2024 | 244 | 978-608-4510-58-1 |