Welcome to the website of the
Faculty of civil engineering-Skopje
Since 1949, we educate our students
Dear students,
Welcome to our info website for support of the current enrollments
faculty of Civil engineering in Skopje, macedonia.
On behalf of the entire teaching staff, we wish you a correct choice, and a successful registration!
With great pleasure we expect to include in your next educational stage.
Programs of study for students enrolled on 2023/2024)
First cycle
The faculty of civil engineering-Skopje, organize the studies of the first cycle of the following three programs of study
Second cycle
The faculty of civil engineering-Skopje, organize the studies of the second cycle of the six programs of study
Third cycle
The faculty of civil engineering-Skopje, organize the studies in the third cycle (doctoral) studies of the two programmes of study
- Еднодневна теренска настава по предметот Специјални конструкции на колосек и долги шински ленти
- Transport Community
- GEG North Macedonia – 11.11.2024г (Понеделник) со почеток во 12:45 часот во Амфитеатарот на Градежниот факултет
- Во организација на Градежен факултет Скопје и компанијата Бехтел & Енка на ден 30.10.2024 година беше реализирана теренска посета
- Интерен оглас за избор на студенти чие родителско право го врши само еден родител
- Градежниот факултет при Универзитетот „Св. Кирил и Методиј“ во Скопје прославува 75 години од своето основање.
- Се грижиме за нашите студенти
Dean's Office
- Dean
- Vice Dean for Teaching
- Vice dean for finance, investment, and development
- Vice dean for Science and international co-operation
The faculty of civil engineering is the oldest Technical university in Macedonia, formed in 1949 and is an integral part of the largest universities in the country, the University Ss Cyril and Methodius.
Years of tradition
Number of graduate engineers
Number of the doctor of technical sciences